Achtung, Spy!

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A social deduction game originally inspired by the idea of a Resistance-style game where instead of pass/fail, the missions pit you against a symmetrical, opposing team. Themed around Team Fortress 2, the aim of the game is for each team to select a squad that will beat the other team's squad; each role has different advantages and disadvantages depending on the match (mission) being played. However, each team has a Spy on it who will do everything they can to sabotage their team. Default playercount is 10, with another person required to act as The Administrator (handling the results of actions so as to keep things secret from all players); as such it may be best played online (via IM or over a forum)

DISCLAIMER: This game is entirely untested. All elements of the game are prospective and may not work as expected. If you do give it a shot, please let me know how it pans out!


The ten players are separated into two teams of five at random, a RED team and a BLU team. Four random, unique, non-Spy classes (described below) are then selected. The Spy class is then added to this list; this is the class pool. Each player on each team then receives a different one of the classes in the pool. Finally, a player from each team is selected at random to start out as Team Captain and given an unusual, well, Team Captain (it's a hat, you heathen). An order is selected at random for the other players to receive the hat (and less importantly, the mechanical effects). The game now progresses in rounds, as follows:

A round

Ending the game

Once five matches have been played, the team with the most wins is victorious.


Each class has a different point value for each type of match, or a special ability. The classes are as follows:

All actions are performed privately by informing the Administrator of targets. A removed player contributes no points and fails to activate their abilities, if any; notably, a Sniper who is backstabbed will fail to activate. A sabotaged player is privately notified of the sabotage the first time they are locked in as part of a squad, after the match concludes. A player may only be sabotaged once, and sabotage has no effect on spies.

Setup decisions

There are a few decisions to make about what information the players get in addition to the bare minimum of match results. They are as follows:

The above rules are sufficient to play a full game. Below are additional options to change your playing experience if desired (WARNING: This stuff is even more experimental and potentially bad than the base game).

Optional rules

These extra rules can be used to change up the playing experience. They are recommended only after you have already tried a few games using the base ruleset.

More complex classes

These class stats may be used instead of the original ones for more complex gameplay.

Playing a physical game (WIP)

This space reserved for advice on how to play the game in a real world setting without the benefit of people being able to easily privately message each other.

Unlocks (WIP, highly experimental, probably hilariously unbalanced)

There is no specific use for these; they may be start of game modifiers, or classes such as "Jarate Sniper" may be included in the list of possible classes, or individual players may acquire them openly or secretly under certain conditions. Use them as a balancing tool if your playgroup finds certain things to be unfun, or just to add extra complications if desired.










Maps (WIP, highly experimental, probably hilariously unbalanced)

None of these exist yet, but the idea is to select one along with match type; the map then modifies the match in some way.